Company News
Congratulations Attended The Milipol Paris Exhibition Successfully
Wolvesfleet wish more customers are satisfied with our products and services to create a win-win business cooperation in the coming days.
In Nov 2013, We completed MILIPOL PARIS 2013 exhibition in France successfully. More than 60 countries' customers from the world visited our booth and discussed the mutual cooperation. We wish more customers are satifed with our products and services to create a win-win business cooperation in the coming days.
This Milipol exhibition will display the products
Cell Phone Signal Jammer
Wireless Signal Jammer
Radio Jammer
Portable Bomb Jmmers
Vehicular Bomb Jamming
Prison Jamming System
Indoor RF Jammers
Handheld Signal Jammers
In 1984, the International Milipol Committee came into existence as an association whose goal was the promotion of security technology and equipment.
That same year, the first international Milipol Show was organised in Paris as the principal information and public-relations tool, open widely to professionals in the field of security, including manufacturers, end-users, buyers and exhibitors of all nationalities. The quasi-confidential field of police, civil and military security equipment, virtually unknown to the general public until that time, was thus brought to light
Today, the international Milipol Trade Show is recognised for as a result of its professionalism and the quality of its exhibitors and visitors attending from around the world, all from the various security sectors.
In 2009, Milipol created an area dedicated to Major Risks to provide comprehensive solutions and specific natural disasters, health, industrial and terrorist risks.