Industry News
The Advent Of Anti- Spy Technology: Is It Really Possible To Completely Ward Off The Menace?
NSA’s global spying operation, all in the name of upholding security has essentially resulted in the development of spy proof technologies aimed at protecting you from this menace. It is in this regard that various security companies are thus taking up the initiative to develop spy proof smartphones and seemingly secure products for government institutions, employees as well as the average person. This trend has essentially resulted in the Wall Street Journal coming up with a report on the same while telling you that; “A crypto war is coming to your pocket,”
That having been said, two different corporations based in France have been working on the development of more secure Android devices thereby preventing any form of spying attacks that may be directed to you. The new Android devices will essentially be better placed at deterring spying attacks compared to the mobile offerings preferred by most carrier stores.
Now there are many special cell phone blocker devices, which can completely disable the mobile network and the Internet. At the same time Bull SA has been distributing Hoox m2 smartphone at a price of $2,760. This smartphone actually runs on a re-engineered version of Android in a bid to ward off any hacking attempts and encryption of calls. The Hoox m2 further employs the use of a fingerprint sensor that only allows you to log into your device. In addition, any attempts to pre install spyware or any form of spying software on your device before you get it may be virtually impossible with the Hoox m2 software as that would essentially require the setting up of the fingerprint sensor; a move that would be detrimental since it would be impossible for any other person to use the device once the sensor is activated as it is not easy to deactivate the fingerprint sensor without losing any information put into any device.
Some company protecting pricacy with jammers, another that is dedicated to protecting their customers is Thales SA who have released Teopad; an “enterprise software system” that will help secure your tablet and/or android smartphones by separating them into two different entities; for personal and business applications. This concept has further been adopted by Samsung for use on mobile phone devices through the use of “Samsung Knox software”
The idea of securing individual information and communication is been adopted by various companies globally who are taking interest in the same. Some of these companies include Silent Circle and app Wickr which are both based in the United States and have developed mobile apps that encrypt phone calls and messages. GSMK; a German based corporation also sells an “Android-based Cryptophone” model. However, a large number of mobile applications can be also malicious.
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- In as much as global corporations are committed to reducing the menace of spying on individuals by producing devices deemed to provide personal security. A lot of companies make the anty spying jammers devices . But the question still remains; are the hardware, software and encryption levels used spy proof? And if so how affordable are they or will the price be way beyond the reach of the common citizen? In this instance, it would thus be wise to laud the words of Mark Dowd, (Azimuth Security’s director in charge of information security consultancy) “It is possible to be secure, but it is difficult because phones do so much stuff.”
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